Giusi Occhipinti

Veterinary Doctor

Having always been passionate about animals, I decided at a very young age that I would dedicate my life to caring for them. I have therefore made it my mission. I have lived with dogs, cats and ferrets for years. Today, my dog Sydney (a flat-coated retriever) and my cat May are part of my family. I regularly spend time in the countryside and often go on long treks through the mountains. I love cooking, reading, exercising, doing yoga and listening to music.

I graduated in 2006 from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Bologna.
I believe that health is not just the absence of disease, but complete physical, mental and social well-being. My approach to veterinary medicine involves two fundamental aspects: prevention and natural treatments for our pets.
After my studies, I attended many update courses in internal medicine, laboratory, diagnostic imaging (radiography and ultrasound), dermatology, anaesthesia, surgery and emergency medicine.

My passion for this job has led me to specialise in the two fields of veterinary medicine that I love most, namely nutrition and behavioural medicine.
Through food supplements and subject-specific nutrition, my goal is to achieve optimal health, both in the healthy animal and in the animal suffering from disease. The end result is what we in human medicine call ‘well-aging’.
On a behavioural level, the quality of life of the animal and also that of its owners can improve with the right educational skills. I studied behavioural medicine according to the cognitive method, taken directly from the studies of human psychology, and I know and am fascinated by every aspect of our pets’ minds. It is very important to take care of your relationship with your pet day by day, so that you can live together happily and in harmony. Helping owners on this path is my vocation.

Nature has always been an important part of my life. I did 15 years as a scout, during which I was able to appreciate the beauty of the mountains and the contact with animals. In my spare time I enjoy practising meditation, yoga and walking with my chihuahua Knam.

I graduated at the University of Milan in 2004.
From the very first years of my profession, I approached non-conventional medicine with interest and curiosity, specialising in particular in acupuncture (three-year SIAV course and three-year lecturer course) and veterinary homotoxicology (AIOT annual course). I also passionately follow other disciplines such as floritherapy and phytotherapy, which I integrate into my daily practice as valuable preventive and therapeutic tools for animal welfare.
I am also keen on cytology and have attended several update courses in internal medicine, particularly dermatology and emergency medicine.

I firmly believe in the ‘integrative’ clinical approach, i.e. in the powerful synergy between traditional and non-traditional medicine, which goes beyond treating the symptom or pathology to contemplate the patient’s psychophysical condition in its entirety and uniqueness.

Mariachiara Lietti

Veterinary Doctor

Giulia Eppi


I have always loved animals and I have shown a strong passion and desire to be in their company since my childhood. I love spending time in the countryside and taking long walks in the woods. In my spare time, I create accessories made of resin, listen to music, do photo projects and draw.
I have had several pets: hamsters, rabbits, cats and dogs. I currently live with my cat “Five”, my dog “Eleven” and two axolotls “Dart” and “Vecna”.
My other great passions are art and cinematrography. That’s why I first studied at the CSIA (School Centre for Artistic Industries), graduating as a decorator-expressionist and later at the CISA (International Conservatory of Audiovisual Sciences), graduating as a filmmaker-television maker with a specialisation in editing.
I spent almost ten years in the field of videomaking where I worked on films, documentaries, advertisements and music video clips. Then, I decided to turn my life around and embark on a new path towards the care and love of animals. Since June 2022, I have therefore joined the team at the Orso Bruno Veterinary Centre, where I work as a front and back-office assistant.

Our external collaborators

To complement our team, we use the services of qualified external collaborators.

Yasmin Stauffer

Dog educator

Yasmin was born in Sorengo on 23.03.1991. From an early age, she grew up in contact with animals: first and foremost, horses, which were her teachers. She immediately felt the importance of relating to them while respecting their nature as much as possible.
After getting to know the situation of stray animals in Italy and picking up a small mongrel named Penny from the street, she started working as a volunteer, thus also meeting Kõri; now her inseparable life companion.

Her eagerness to learn led her to meet Thinkdog. That day, she realised how important this world is for her, and how much more needs to be done to make the best possible life for all our 4-legged friends.
She trained as a 1st and 2nd level educator and continued her studies as an instructor in behavioural rehabilitation and instructor in socialisation classes with passion and dedication.

She worked 2 years as head of courses and play/educational activities at the Life&Dogs centre in Agno.
Today he runs the FreeDog Project, a project that fights for 4-legged well-being.

Professional care for your 4-legged friends

Pet owners rely on us to take care of the needs of their beloved companions. We are specialists committed to providing the utmost in veterinary care and affection.