Natural and preventive medicine

Everyone knows the importance of caring for their pet from the first days after adoption. And what does caring mean?In Western Medicine the tendency is to treat the individual when he or she is ill. There is also another approach that focuses on the patient and not on the disease: this is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In TCM, the patient is examined when he is healthy, the doctor identifies the critical points of his health and intervenes non-invasively and preventively to improve these points.
The goal is to prevent the patient from getting sick and not to cure the sick patient.

Our friend often shows no obvious symptoms and if left untreated his quality of life gradually and noticeably deteriorates until the disease becomes chronic. That is why we advise you not to wait for your beloved pet to show symptoms, but to have him checked regularly to ascertain his state of health.
Through an ‘integrative’ approach comprising classical medicine combined with holistic therapies, we offer a wide range of therapeutic and preventive possibilities.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture is a diagnostic and therapeutic technique of Chinese origin and thousands of years of tradition that is based on the application of thin needles to specific points on the body. In fact, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the animal body, like the human body, is traversed by a flow of energy called Qi, flowing in a system of channels, called meridians. It is externalised at precise points on the skin. If the energy is low or its flow is interrupted the animal will become ill or experience pain.
Acupuncture is a useful tool for resolving or improving a wide range of ailments: acute and chronic pain, musculo-skeletal and neurological pathologies, dermatological problems, reproductive sphere, behavioural and immune problems, along with nutritional care and proper management of the animal.
The absence of side effects makes it a useful therapeutic alternative in all geriatric conditions and it becomes essential in particular situations where traditional drugs cannot be used.
Acupuncture treatment can be combined with thermal stimulation (moxibustion), electrostimulation or massage, ensuring a better and more prolonged effect of the treatment.
There are no standardised protocols as each pathology may have a particular origin and manifestation in each patient: the acupuncturist’s task is to interpret the symptoms and treat each individual subject as a whole, considering all aspects (physical, mental and behavioural).

The homeopathic doctrine was originally developed by C. F. S. Hahnemann, a German physician who lived between 1755 and 1843. It is based on the use of remedies from the animal, plant and mineral worlds in very small doses, so as to stimulate the body’s defensive reaction to an illness, without causing side effects. For Homeopathy, medicine is ‘for the sick person’ and not ‘for the disease’, which is why patients with the same problem often require different homeopathic remedies.
Homotoxicology represents an evolution of Homeopathic Medicine and interprets disease as an expression of the body’s struggle to eliminate toxic factors (homotoxins) through detoxification and drainage.
Homotoxicological medicines consist of several homeopathic remedies combined to enhance their effectiveness; they naturally and gradually stimulate your pet’s ability to heal itself. They can be given in combination with traditional medicines, reducing their dosages and side effects. They are therefore particularly useful in cases of chronic diseases and prolonged therapies, but also in acute situations.

Homeopathy and homotoxicology


Phytotherapy literally means ‘curing with plants’ and is one of the oldest forms of medical therapy: it is based on the use of herbs and medicinal plants to alleviate physical and mental ailments on the basis of the ‘Vis Medicatrix Naturae’ (the self-healing power inherent in nature).
Active plant ingredients are extracted and processed into herbal teas, tinctures, ointments and oils.
Modern Phytotherapy is its evolution, and is the scientifically based study and application of the medicinal properties, in treatment or prevention, of natural extracts of plant origin.

For Floritherapy, the psychological state of your pet is an essential component of physical health and general well-being. These concepts have been scientifically validated in both the human and veterinary fields by psychoneuroimmunology, which has demonstrated the very close relationship existing between the brain, emotional state, immune system and endocrine system.
From a practical point of view, Floritherapy consists of the oral and/or percutaneous administration of ‘essences’ obtained from certain flowers according to a particular method (sun method or boiling method). Each essence has its particular action and dissolves or reinforces, as needed, a particular state of mind, helping to bring out the positive emotions needed to heal pathologies and traumas and thus to live better or with a higher quality of life.
Being effective in accompanying conventional medical therapies, in behavioural disorders and in maintaining and restoring a good state of health, Floritherapy has a wide range of uses. In particular, in pets, it acts by gently and effectively freeing them from many of those illnesses and behavioural disorders that alter character and make it difficult for them to live peacefully with humans.
